West Wilkes High School

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Students » Media Center » Welcome!


Welcome to the West Wilkes High School Media Center!

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 7:40 am - 3:50 pm

NEED HELP? Ask a Librarian:

My job is to support YOU. Libraries are not just books. Libraries are access to anything and everything you've ever wanted to know and learn.
I can also help with things that you deal with in class: research, citations, projects, technology, book selection, and more.
If you need help... just ask.

Join Us! - We have multiple clubs


Your student ID (lunch number) is also your library card for the public library? It even gives you access to the NC Digital Library.
Just enter your lunch number and your pin (the last four digits of your lunch number) and you'll have access to tons of graphic novels, audio books, videos, and more!
If you need help using the public library catalog or the NC Digital Library, please come see me in the media center for help!