The scheduled class hours for West Wilkes High School are from 7:45 am until 3:30 pm. Students should not be at school before 7:15 am or remain on campus after 4:00 pm unless involved in a school sponsored event/activity and under the supervision of a staff member.
- Students arriving at school on the bus before 7:15 must report to the cafeteria and remain there until the 7:30 bell rings. Students arriving in the car line before 7:15 must remain outside under the walkway until 7:15 when the doors open.
- After the 7:30 bell, students may visit lockers and prepare to report to 1st period. Students should move from their lockers toward class in an effort not to be tardy (tardy policy outlined in detail later in this document).
- Once a student arrives on campus (to a parking space or drop off area), they are considered present on campus and leaving without permission will result in disciplinary action. If students are driving to campus, they should arrive, park, and make their way to the building. Students should not sit in their cars in the parking lot after arrival. This is a safety concern.