Disciplinary actions taken by the administrators at West Wilkes High school may take the following forms:
Lunch Detention - Any student who receives an assignment to lunch detention will report to the designated location for the assigned time frame.
In-School-Suspension - Any student who receives an assignment to ISS for a full day will report to the ISS room from 7:45-3:30 on the day assigned.
Out-of-School-Suspension – Any student who is assigned OSS will not be permitted to be on the school campus or any other school campus in Wilkes county for the duration of the suspension.
Please view the handbook pdf, Appendix C, for Discipline Matrix
Be reminded that ISS (whole day) or OSS prevents you from being exempt from teacher-made exams and could affect your athletic participation during that time.
*All disciplinary decisions are made at the discretion of the administration.